- Name Change: The Company intends to change its name and assign a new ticker symbol.
- Treasury: Upon completion of the proposed transaction the Company will have approx. CDN$2.2 million in cash and no debt.
- Work Program: The company intends to execute the following with the proceeds from the transaction:
- Complete the first deep follow-up drill program (approx. 800 metres below surface) that will be used to expand and define the Hanging Wall Zone (“HW”) discovery made in December 2021 that intersected 23.76 gpt gold over 12.60 metres, including 47.56 gpt over 5.8 metres. This was the second-best drill intercept (grade x width) in the history of Tartan Lake. The discovery is open in all directions for further expansion.
- Incorporate the planned deep exploration and previous drilling since 2017 (approx. 9,500 metres) into an updated NI 43-101 Resource Estimate.
- Use the updated Resource Estimate to form the basis of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) study. The study will be used to estimate the capital needed to reopen the Tartan Lake Mine and returns associated with the project using and upgrading the existing infrastructure at the mine such as the ramp into the ore body, process facilities, powerlines, and access road.
- Advance the process of updating the permits from which the Tartan Lake Mine operated under from 1986-1989 and engaging with stakeholders to design the gold mine of the future that has a minimal to no environmental impact and benefits those directly involved with the Company’s growth.
- Located due south and adjacent to of Agnico Eagle’s Canadian Malartic Property, Malartic South offers discovery potential for both gold and copper mineralization. The property is adjacent to the Canadian Malartic’s Odyssey Underground Mine. Surface mapping indicates approximately 50% of the property is comprised of sedimentary rocks, host to a number of significant gold deposits in the region, including the Canadian Malartic deposits.
- The remaining 50% of the claim block is comprised of felsic intrusive rocks that are prospective for copper mineralization as demonstrated by a series of historical exploration holes completed on an adjoining property that reported anomalous copper mineralization over an approximate 300 metre strike length. Table 1.0 presents select drill hole results from the adjoining property. Hole F96-09 is located less than 25 metres west of the Malartic South claim boundary.
- Table 1.0: Selected Significant Results from Adjacent Property
Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation Azimuth Dip Length From To Interval Cu (%) F96-09 715403 5327949 326 266 -48 435.86 350.22 425.81 75.59 0.27 F97-02 715155 5327891 310 360 -90 391.67 126.16 193.1 66.94 0.4 F97-10 715105 5327889 309 112 -63 419.4 175.26 203.48 28.22 0.28 F97-17 715304 5327906 322 241 -60 415.75 230.37 257.98 27.61 0.35 Notes:
(i) All intervals are measured down hole and NOT true width. True width was not estimated due to insufficient information.
(ii) All data is excerpted from the Technical Report titled “2021 Fieldwork Report on the Malartic South Property” prepared for Eagle Ridge Mining Ltd. Dated February 16, 2022, authored by Alain-Jean Beauregard, P.Geo and Daniel Gaudreault P.Eng.
- Table 1.0: Selected Significant Results from Adjacent Property
- In 2022, limited exploration work identified historical placer mining operations on the HEES Project, which is located near Barrick Gold’s Hemlo Mine. Although early, this could be an important development as it was originally gold discovered through panning in the creek and soils that lead to the Hemlo discovery. Exploration in this area will continue during the spring and summer field seasons.
- Located due south of Agnico Eagle’s Hammond Reef Gold Project, the Hammond Reef North and South Projects are prospective for large tonnage, low grade gold deposits. Surface rock sampling has identified anomalous results within the claim block and additional exploration work is warranted given the large resource identified to the north. The short-term objective is to prioritize exploration targets in preparation for an initial drill program.
- Board of Directors: Rob McEwen will be granted the right to appoint two board members to represent his ownership. Upon completion of the proposed transaction, Alex McEwen will join the board, with a future director to be named. Alex McEwen, the son of Rob McEwen, is co-founder and owner of Remote Power Corp., a company focused on electrifying industrial projects in mining, energy, and construction. He obtained his MBA from the University of Bradford, England.
- Management: The Company will be conducting a search for new CEO. It is intended that Jennifer Boyle, Satori’s current CEO, will remain with the Company as a member of the executive team and director.